Wondering where to start in your search for a waffle iron? With the vast amount of options available, it’s natural to feel unsure in a sea of options. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you consider the various makes and models of waffle irons. First, identify the type of waffles you expect to bake. Liege waffles require deep pockets in a…
baking tips
DIY Pearl Sugar
When a recipe calls for Belgian pearl sugar, trust only the genuine thing. Pearl sugar has a unique sweetness, taste and density and there’s even a big difference between Belgian and Swedish pearl sugar. For authentic tasting Liege waffles and European-style baked goods, there simply is no substitute for Belgian pearl sugar. Claims suggesting crushed sugar cubes…
Make Ahead Liege Waffle Dough
Homemade Liege waffles are perfect in the morning with a cup of joe or as an after work pick-me-up. Make them a part of your week day routine by mixing and freezing a batch of Liege waffle dough. 💡Please note there has been an updated and more comprehensive follow-up article about this subject posted on our blog. Making Liege…
Five Liege Waffle Mistakes To Avoid
Liege waffles are easy to bake at home for family and friends. With a few helpful pointers, you’ll be on your way to golden, crispy, caramelized bites of happiness aka perfect Liege waffles every time! Here are Waffle Pantry’s top five things to avoid when baking Liege waffles: 1. Using cold eggs. When baking, ingredients generally should be introduced to one another at…